
We help build companies that support the future, today

Anthill Ventures seeks to partner with courageous entrepreneurs globally, and invest capital and time in equal measures to help scale their businesses with speed. This is effectively managed through a structured support system in our verticals with targeted and focused market access, hiring and business strategies.

We provide the support. All you need to do is focus on your vision

As your partner, we strongly believe in the power of dynamic value addition. Our team of exceptional experts work with you to build a program that supercharges your performance to surge miles ahead of the competition

Early-stage innovations need more than capital to scale up

Only 29% is due to lack of capital, the rest of 71% are related to speed & Scale.

majority of problems such as:

  • Business model refinement
  • Sales channel refinement
  • Rapid prototyping for market needs
  • Growth hacking

are unaddressed by traditional VC firms.

$100M capital fund fuels portfolio
global market access
50+ market channels provide access to more than a billion customers
Sources deal flow from innovation clusters, syndicates smart capital, identifying secondary exits and M&A

We created an ecosystem to speed scale our portfolio